"Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three" is the ninth and midseason finale episode of the sixth season of The Flash, and the one-hundred-twenty-third episode overall. It aired on December 10, 2019.
The episode is the third part of the five-part crossover, Crisis on Infinite Earths.
“ | It is time to end the age of heroes and everything you hold close. | ” |
— The Anti-Monitor[src]
Synopsis[edit | hide | hide all]
Pariah enlists Black Lightning to help stop the Anti-Monitor after Flash-90 shares what he learned from his battle in Elseworlds. With the help of Black Lightning, Barry, Cisco and Killer Frost come up with a plan that could save them all. Meanwhile, Iris has a heart-to-heart with Ryan Choi, while Oliver and Diggle return to an old familiar stomping ground.[1]
Appearances[edit | hide]
Characters[edit | hide]
Protagonists[edit | hide]
- Paragons
- Team Flash
- The Monitor (Mar Novu)
- Legends of Tomorrow
- Green Arrow/Spectre (Oliver Queen)
- Team Arrow
- Lois Lane
- Superman (Clark Kent) (Earth-38)
- Black Lightning (Jefferson Pierce)
- Spectre (Jim Corrigan)
- The Flash (Barry Allen) (Earth-90)
- Legends (Earth-74)
Antagonists[edit | hide]
- Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne) (mentioned)
- John Deegan (mentioned)
- Harbinger (Lyla Michaels) (possessed by Mobius)
- Anti-Monitor (Mobius) (possessing Lyla Michaels)
Other Characters[edit | hide]
- Alex Danvers (mentioned)
- Alvin Pierce (mentioned)
- Amanda (pictured and phone call)
- Amenadiel (mentioned)
- Birds of Prey
- Black Lightning's Team (mentioned)
- Anissa Pierce (mentioned)
- Jennifer Pierce (mentioned)
- Lynn Stewart (mentioned)
- Bruce Wayne (mentioned)
- Tina McGee (flashback)
- Dinah Drake (flashback)
- Dylan Thomas (Earth-1) (mentioned)
- Dylan Thomas (UE-20) (mentioned)
- Harry Wells (mentioned)
- Henry Allen (mentioned)
- Jesse Wells (mentioned)
- Jim Corrigan (mentioned)
- Joe West (mentioned)
- Jonathan Kent (mentioned)
- Kamilla Hwang (mentioned)
- Devil (Lucifer Morningstar)
- Maze (mentioned)
- Mick Rory (mentioned)
- Nora Allen (mentioned)
- Querl Dox (mentioned)
- Rene Ramirez (flashback)
- Simone (pictured)
- Superman (mentioned)
- Xneen (mentioned)
Teams and Organizations[edit | hide]
- Birds of Prey
- Black Lightning's Team (mentioned)
- Ivy Town University
- Legends (Earth-74)
- Legends of Tomorrow (Earth-1)
- Lux
- Paragons
- Starling City Police Department (flashback)
- Super Friends
- Team Arrow
- Team Flash
Species[edit | hide]
- Angels
- Artificial Intelligences
- Green Martians
- Humans (Earth-1)
- Humans (Earth-2) (flashback)
- Humans (Earth-38)
- Humans (Earth-90)
- Humans (Earth-203)
- Humans (Earth-666)
- Humans (UE-20)
- Kryptonians (Earth-38)
- Kryptonians (Earth-96)
- Maltusians
- Metahumans (Earth-1)
- Metahumans (Earth-90)
- Metahumans (UE-20)
- Spectres
Objects and Concepts[edit | hide]
- Amazo (in Purgatory)
- Antimatter Cannon
- Batsuit
- Black Lightning Suit
- Book of Destiny (flashback)
- Breaches
- CFL Quark Matter
- Quantum Portals (flashback)
- Bruce Wayne's Gauntlet
- Elongated Man Suit
- Forcefields
- Frost Suit
- Green Arrow Suits
- Harbinger Suit
- Huntress Suit
- Paragon Detector
- Pariah Suit
- Quantum Towers (mentioned)
- Supergirl Suit
- Superman Suits (Earth-38)
- Superman Suits (Earth-96)
- Techno Fanny Pack (vibe)
- The Flash Suit (Earth-1)
- The Flash Suits (Earth-90)
- The Monitor Armor
- Time Language
- Vibe Suit
- Watchmen (poster)
- Waverider
- White Canary Suit
Locations[edit | hide]
- Antimatter Universe (mentioned)
- Earth-1
- Earth
- Asia (in Purgatory)
- Pacific Ocean
- North China Sea
- Lian Yu (in Purgatory)
- North China Sea
- Pacific Ocean
- North America
- United States of America
- Georgia
- Missouri
- Washington (flashback)
- Star City (flashback)
- United States of America
- Asia (in Purgatory)
- Earth
- Earth-2 (flashback)
- Earth (flashback)
- North America (flashback)
- United States of America (flashback)
- Starling City (flashback)
- Starling City Police Precinct (flashback)
- Starling City (flashback)
- United States of America (flashback)
- North America (flashback)
- Earth (flashback)
- Earth-38 (mentioned)
- Earth-73 (on screen)
- Earth (on screen)
- Earth-90 (flashback)
- Earth (flashback)
- North America (flashback)
- United States of America (flashback)
- Central City (flashback)
- United States of America (flashback)
- North America (flashback)
- Earth (flashback)
- Earth-203
- Earth-666
- Hell (mentioned)
- Multiversal Nexus
- Purgatory
- Undesignated Universe (mentioned)
Notes[edit | hide]
- Barry Allen's death is very similar to his comic counterpart who also sacrificed his life to destroy the antimatter cannon.
- The flashback of his life before his eventual death is taken from Pilot (The Flash: 1990) of The Flash.
Gallery[edit | hide]
The Flash vanishes in Crisis
Title Card
The Paragons at the Vanishing Point