The DC Extended Universe (DCEU) is a shared franchise based on characters of DC Comics. It will be replaced with the DC Universe (DCU) in 2025.
History[edit | hide | hide all]
Note: | This section is a stub. Click the edit button to the right of the section title to expand it. |
Green Lantern[edit | hide]
Zack Snyder[edit | hide]
Post-Justice League[edit | hide]
Timeline Reset[edit | hide]
The End[edit | hide]
Released Media[edit | hide]
Films[edit | hide]
Man of Steel (Film)
(2013) -
Suicide Squad (Film)
(2016) -
Wonder Woman (Film)
(2017) -
Justice League
(2017) -
Aquaman (Film)
(2018) -
(2019) -
Wonder Woman 1984
(2020) -
The Suicide Squad
(2021) -
Black Adam
(2022) -
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
(2023) -
The Flash (2023 Film)
(2023) -
Blue Beetle (Film)
(2023; Post-Reset) -
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
(2023; Post-Reset)
Shorts[edit | hide]
Etta's Mission
(2017) -
Superhero Hooky
(2019) -
Black Adam Precursor
Television Series[edit | hide]
Specials[edit | hide]
Books[edit | hide]
Art Books[edit | hide]
Companion Books[edit | hide]
Shazam!: Becoming Shazam
Novels[edit | hide]
Aquaman: Undertow
Comics[edit | hide]
Man of Steel Prequel
(2013) -
(2016) -
Suicide Blonde
(2016) -
WW84: Museum Mayhem
(2020) -
Serving Up Justice
(2021-2022) -
Shazam! Thundercrack
Video Games[edit | hide]
Become the Man of Steel
(2013) -
Man of Steel Experience
Cancelled or Reworked Projects[edit | hide]
Wonder Twins
(cancelled) -
(2018-2019; reworked) -
Batgirl (Film)
(2023; cancelled)
Other Projects[edit | hide]
- The Amazons (reworked for the DC Universe as Paradise Lost)
- Black Canary (unknown)
- Wonder Woman 3 (reworked for the DC Universe)
- Constantine (cancelled)
- Justice League Dark (cancelled)
- Madame X (cancelled)
- Val-Zod (unknown)
- Waller (reworked for the DC Universe)
- Zatanna (unknown)
Notes[edit | hide]
- The film Lights Out (Film) is also set in the universe, but is not a part of the franchise.